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Monday, January 16, 2012

Friendly Reminder ;)

The holidays have come and passed. I can't believe that it's another year! I welcome 2012 with open arms. I hope that all of my readers had a wonderful holiday and a safe New Years.

This year took its toll on me. I went on a roller coaster ride of emotions. A few that I am willing to share; I lost my precious Aunt Pearlie from my father's side on December 28th, 2011. The following day, my 3 year old daughter underwent surgery to fix her umbilical cord hernia. That was on December 29th. Then, my sister came to visit me for New Years...that was a high light for me! If you read my postings from earlier about my adoption story, you might have a clue as to why this was a special event for me!

With all said and done...I pulled through it made it!

I just want to remind everyone that the "holiday spirit" of giving back to those in need should happen not only during the holidays, but every day...or when you can! Many of you might start spring cleaning, and find that you have unused products in your home that aren't needed, donate them :) Visit a children's cancer hospital (bring a gift). Volunteer at a local homeless shelter. Adopt a pet...there are many things that you can do in your every day life to help give back. You don't need to be a millionaire in order to help those in need. Trust me, I am by far the richest person!!

I felt that I needed to emphasize the importance of giving back on a regular day/week, not just during the holidays!

After I went through so much during December, I realized how blessed I am to be alive and that my kids are healthy. After my daughter underwent her surgery, I just had this overwhelming feeling of gratitude for all that I have. I started to feel guilty...but I thought of different ways to help give back. Its fairly easy :)

My hope for everyone for 2012, is to stay on a positive track. Keep positive thoughts and friends close by. Respect yourself and others and give back to your community :)

Oh, and remember...keep healthy! Stay up to date with your doctors!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

10 Rules to Live By

These are a few rules that I swear by, to help me get through this crazy/beautiful thing called LIFE (they are in random order). If you can APPLY at least 1-4 of these rules to your every day life, then living life may become easier! If I don't swear by these, I am all out of order..kind of like a broken machine ;)

Okay, so lets start!


You are in control of your own happiness

(This means that. no one can control you being happy. Only you can. Sure, some of you may have been dealt shitty cards in life, but even with the shittiest cards you can make order and some sense out of it. The only person that can make yourself happy is YOURSELF. No one is living your life, but you. So make it worth it)


Treat People How you Would Want to Be Treated

(Treat everyone with the same kindness that you would expect to be treated. Generous, sincere, loyal, and trusting are all good traits of RESPECTING another person)



(Like Lil Wayne says "Karma can be a bi**%, depending how you dress her". What goes around, comes around. Therefore...what YOU put out in this world, you receive. If you are not a good friend, most likely you will find yourself friendless. You get the idea.


Do What Makes you Happy

(Meaning, find what it is in life that truly you feel that you love. My mom once told me, that having all the money in the world is not worth it, if you don't have a burning desire to wake up every morning and be excited about doing it. If you feel like this, maybe some more self -discovery can help lead you in the right path. You have ONE life to live, and you don't want to be miserable all for a dollar and some change!)


Always Forgive but Never Forget

(I am sure that many of you have been done wrong by someone in your life. I know I have. But to dwell on that and the person who caused you stress and harm is not worth it. That can actually bring you down. Don't focus on revenge. The best thing to do, is in your heart is to forgive that person so that you can move on with your life. Don't let one person take away your happiness over something that was probably petty anyways. Move on, forgive, but NEVER forget what that person did, so that way it doesn't make you look like a fool in the end to get burnt twice!!)


Always Be Accountable for Your Actions

(If you know you messed up, don't sit back and let others take the blame. Fess up for your wrong doings and don't make the same mistake twice)


Get Up, Get Dressed, and Show Up

(This reads what it means. Don't waste your precious time. Get up every day, get dressed and show up to life. Life is ticking away, day by day! Make the most out of it before God calls you home)


Let Go and Let YOUR God

(Many of us want to fix something that is beyond our control. I will be the first to admit that. I tend to beat myself up over things that are way out of my hands. Maybe your stressed at work, having a situation with a partner or friend...instead of beating yourself up over it, let YOUR God take care of it. I say "your God" because not all of us believe in ONE. Put your heart and mind at ease and know that your God has your back)


It's Okay to Cry

(Holding back how you feel is not good. That can be stressful. And stress is not good for your heart. Whether you cry alone or in front of someone, its okay! It really is. Its way healthier to have a snob fest then let it reach a boiling point where it becomes anger instead of tears)


Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover

(This is kind of broad. But it's the same thing as "Don't judge someone until you have walked a mile in their shoe". People are human with emotions. People have bad and good days. Days filled with laughter and joy and some are filled with pain and tears. You might meet someone from what others have told you, or met them one time and maybe they were having a bad day. Until you know someone and can start picking their brains, you don't have the right to belittle someone form here-say. That breaks rule #2)