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Monday, January 16, 2012

Friendly Reminder ;)

The holidays have come and passed. I can't believe that it's another year! I welcome 2012 with open arms. I hope that all of my readers had a wonderful holiday and a safe New Years.

This year took its toll on me. I went on a roller coaster ride of emotions. A few that I am willing to share; I lost my precious Aunt Pearlie from my father's side on December 28th, 2011. The following day, my 3 year old daughter underwent surgery to fix her umbilical cord hernia. That was on December 29th. Then, my sister came to visit me for New Years...that was a high light for me! If you read my postings from earlier about my adoption story, you might have a clue as to why this was a special event for me!

With all said and done...I pulled through it made it!

I just want to remind everyone that the "holiday spirit" of giving back to those in need should happen not only during the holidays, but every day...or when you can! Many of you might start spring cleaning, and find that you have unused products in your home that aren't needed, donate them :) Visit a children's cancer hospital (bring a gift). Volunteer at a local homeless shelter. Adopt a pet...there are many things that you can do in your every day life to help give back. You don't need to be a millionaire in order to help those in need. Trust me, I am by far the richest person!!

I felt that I needed to emphasize the importance of giving back on a regular day/week, not just during the holidays!

After I went through so much during December, I realized how blessed I am to be alive and that my kids are healthy. After my daughter underwent her surgery, I just had this overwhelming feeling of gratitude for all that I have. I started to feel guilty...but I thought of different ways to help give back. Its fairly easy :)

My hope for everyone for 2012, is to stay on a positive track. Keep positive thoughts and friends close by. Respect yourself and others and give back to your community :)

Oh, and remember...keep healthy! Stay up to date with your doctors!!

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