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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Assets :)

I am a die hard Kardashian fan, and who doesn't love Kim Kardashian?!? I know I love me some Kim K. The question is, who has the BEST booty, Kim K OR Amber Rose?

My vote is for Kim K. Kim is a short girl like I am, and if your packing some cake back there with no height, then its obvious!

Amber Rose was recently on Hot.97 doing an interview, and they were doing a "ass off" between her and Kim K. Rose said in her interview that she has the better ass, because Kim is short and she is like 5'9 with junk in the trunk. You can read or listen to her full interview at: www.hot97.com

BUT, let us not forget about thee original coke body ladies :)

Puerto Rican sex symbol, Jennifer Lopez

Tennis all-star, Serena Williams

Now this is a whoe lotta ass, lol!!

I think it would go Serena Williams, Kim Kardashian, J Lo, and Amber Rose...sorry to the Rose lovers, but she is NOT stacked like that!!

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